In Touch With Our Planet In the Black Forest lies the tiny town of Schiltach and our company's Headquarter. The heart of Hansgrohe has been beating here since 1901. Over decades, our attitude has grown in this environment: a sense of responsibility for people and the environment.
Taking responsibility – acting sustainably

Sustainability at the Hansgrohe Group

People and the environment are at the heart of the Hansgrohe Group. As a company, we are part of society and part of the world that surrounds us. What we think, what we say, how we act – all of this has a direct influence on our environment. This is a responsibility that we are happy to take on by making sustainability a top priority at Hansgrohe. Find out how we understand and live sustainability at Hansgrohe on the following pages. We will inform you about our values, company management, sustainability strategy, products, our corporate environmental protection, as well as our commitment to employees and society.

For People and the Environment
Company Management and Sustainability Strategy
Saving Water, Energy, and CO2e
Sustainable Products
Protecting our Surroundings
Commitment for the Environment
Acting Responsibly
Commitment by and for People
Transparent and Fact-Based
Sustainability Report and Further Figures